About Dorset WIltshire Rugby Union

A Word from our PresidentDorset & Wilts Rugby Football Union

It has been a great privilege to be elected as President of Dorset & Wilts RFU for the 2020/21 year. You will note I have referred to year rather than season for as I write this welcome introduction to our website, we still have no clear certainty about when the 2020/21 season will actually commence!

This is as we are all now well aware the most unusual of times across all sectors of daily life with our marvellous game of rugby football no less affected. With all competitions as we know them  across all sections and age groups suspended until 2021 I know this is a very challenging time for all our clubs throughout the two counties both in terms of rugby related and off field supporting activities.

Last season came to something of an abrupt halt although this should not detract from the achievements of the various league and cup competitions winners and we wish them and all other clubs well in all future competitions as and when they resume.

Likewise, of course very little of the county representative rugby programme was completed last season with neither of the senior men or women’s competitions started at all. Again, I am sure we will look forward to resurrecting the representative programme as and when permitted. 

All of that said I know there is a tremendous amount of work being undertaken by the clubs within the two counties both to address all the issues surrounding the Return to Rugby process and within the wider community as well.

The Dorset and Wilts RFU Council and Management Board are similarly endeavouring to use this time when there is only limited rugby activity to  review and improve where it can both support  our clubs and help to grow the game through various local initiatives  

The pandemic has resulted in major changes in the structure and management of the Rugby Football Union and further postponement in the introduction of revisions to in particular the adult means competitions review we will continue to monitor and contribute to all these amended   programmes.

Finally therefore I do wish all our clubs, senior and junior ,schools and higher education groups together with all the many hundreds of volunteers who’s energy and enthusiasm keep them all going the very best for rugby in the future when hopefully we will all return stronger and wiser .

Very Best Regards

Michael  Moysey


Dorset & Wilts RFU   


07834 519831