General Information 

Visiting another club within England

Seniors - No Action Required

Age Grade - Contact the D&W Safeguarding Team

Another club from within England visiting your club

Seniors - No Action Required

Age Grade - Contact the D&W Safeguarding Team

Visiting a club in another Union (including Wales, Scotland & Ireland) - Contact the D&W General Secretary

Your club hosting a club from another Union (including Wales, Scotland & Ireland) - Contact the D&W General Secretary

RFU Regulation 10 - Tours, Cross-union Matches, Sevens And Tens Tournaments

RFU In-coming Tour Request once completed please forward to the D&W General Secretary

RFU Out-going Tour Request once completed please forward to the D&W General Secretary

D&W RFU Tour Information

Touring notes 2024-25 - incoming

Touring notes 2024-25 - out-going