Age Grade Competitions - up to Under 18's - Dorset Wiltshire Rugby Football Union

Contact Details

Lead:               Neil Bibby

Email:             Please Click Here

Dorset and Wiltshire Age Grade Competitions 2025-26


Age Grade Competitions in Dorset & Wiltshire are organised by the Age Grade Department working through the Competitions Committee. They are player focussed with the aim being to support the development and retention of players.

The competitions are for Dorset and Wiltshire Clubs ONLY and we expect that a club will enter an Age Grade team in Dorset and Wiltshire competitions exclusively. If clubs wish to enter competitions for neighbouring CBs or Combinations then participation in Dorset and Wiltshire competitions will not be permitted.

General Principles

There is an assumption that Coaches & Managers will show a common sense and approach these competitions in a fair and reasonable manner with clubs working collaboratively and flexibly within the spirit and letter of the cut down rules and guidance being provided here.

It is expected that Clubs will be determined to get games played and in doing this will be as flexible and creative as possible with a willingness to overcome difficulties. Cancellation of a fixture should only ever be the very last resort.

The Age Grade Playing Calendar is designed to avoid clashes with the PDG activities where possible, and also education needs, especially for U16s groups.

There are some rules which have to be followed, mainly those that stem from RFU Regulations, and when referring to these we will use the word ‘must’. If these are ignored, then a sanction is likely to be imposed by the Competition Organiser or the matter may be referred to the Age Grade Discipline Secretary. Contact email disciplinesec@dwrugby.co.uk .

We will sometimes use the word ‘expected’. In these situations, Clubs should normally follow the rule or guidance but if there are extenuating circumstances these can be discussed with the Competition Organiser.

We will sometimes use the word ‘encourage’ when we would like Clubs to follow something we regard as good practice, and which may become a requirement in future seasons.


All matches will be published on the Game Management System (GMS) and all fixtures will be recorded using the Electronic Match Card (EMC).

The EMC will be regarded as the record of any match and as such team managers/coaches need to understand how to fill out the EMC correctly. Training is available for this.

In circumstances where the Competition Organiser discovers that regulations are not being followed, they will normally initiate the conversation with the Club and only if the breach continues will a sanction (1 point penalty in U15s-U18s) be applied.

In some cases, a breach may lead to disciplinary proceedings against the club when dictated by RFU Regulation 19 those include, but not exclusively:

  • Ineligible player(s) – (Unregistered on day of match)
  • Breach of Half Game Rule
  • Falsifying match card line up
  • Non reporting of game Disciplinary issues


Every Dorset and Wiltshire Club will be invited to enter teams in to the competition. Once entered each Age Grade competition will be defined and set-up. Each club will be invoiced for the entries they have submitted all invoices are due within 30 days.


Only Dorset and Wiltshire clubs are able to enter the competition, should a joint team be entered one of the clubs must take ownership of that team. Applications to run a joint team (age grade cluster) across the season can be found at https://help.rfu.com/support/solutions/articles/103000307998-register-your-age-grade-clusters-with-us

To play in any of these competitions’ players must be registered to the club they are representing and assigned to the team on the Game Management System (GMS). This does not preclude that players may be borrowed from the opposing team for a particular game to allow that game to go ahead.

Regulation 15.1.4 must be strictly adhered to, all players involved in cup matches must be currently registered and assigned to the team to allow placement on the Electronic Match Card (EMC) – Penalty of 1 point in U15s-U18s sanction. Game lost in U14s

Players must only play in their own Age Grade unless all the necessary procedure described in RFU Regulation 15 have been followed. Please note that combining Under 16 teams on block with Under 18s is not allowed but playing up or down in accordance with Regulation 15 is still permitted as long as the necessary conditions are met.

This may be done for individual players and is the exception rather than the norm. It must not be used to combine teams ‘by the back door’. All playing out of age grade approvals must be submitted on the Smartsheets forms (https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/72c904bd6e4848cfbec0001a42e3ecd3) which are automatically recorded by CB and RFU and players assigned to the new age grade team in order that they can be shown on the EMC.


Other than Knock Out Finals and the U12s to U13s Waterfall Festivals all fixture dates are PLAY BY dates and other dates can be used by agreement between Clubs. If agreement cannot be reached the default is the given date. The kick off time is determined by the home Club, but must be agreed with opposition, and Referee Society informed.

If a game is rescheduled for a date before the ‘play by’ date the Competition Manager must be informed. If Clubs wish to arrange a date later than the play by date then the agreement of the Competition Manager must be obtained in advance. Note: This is unlikely to be approved except for exceptional circumstances – Usually pitch condition or issued weather warning by Met Office only, see below.

If a game has to be postponed due to bad weather or ground conditions the default date becomes the next available Sunday where there is not a clash with County training or matches. If Clubs wish to play on a later date, they require the permission of the Competition Organiser.

All games can be played early, that includes Friday Evening or Saturday, but the organisers must be advised so the dates can be changed on GMS.

If conditions are doubtful the home team are expected to arrange an inspection early enough to avoid the away team travelling unnecessarily.

Under 12 to Under 13 Waterfalls

These will be played under RFU guidance. The RFU provides layouts for these types of events which have to be played on a single day.

Team size and structure will follow that guidance and will be promulgated to participating teams by the volunteers running those events. These will be run as Wiltshire and Dorset separate competitions with perpetual shield awarded along with a keepsake to each. No Dorset versus Wiltshire play off will be permitted by the Dorset and Wiltshire RFU.


The D&W Referee’s Society is notified automatically, through GMS and “WhostheRef”, of all Competition Fixtures and asked to appoint referees to as many games as possible. This is the only method by which referees are appointed. If the society cannot appoint a referee the process below should be followed.

Confirmation of referees: All Clubs have one or more Referee Contacts registered with the Society who receive notification of all appointments. They can also log onto “WhostheRef” to check whether a referee has been appointed. Appointments must be confirmed with the referee by Thursday preceding the fixture

Competition Managers do not have access to Society information about referee appointments.

Where a society referee cannot be appointed it is the responsibility of the home club to appoint the most appropriate referee they can.

    1. Ideally the referee appointed will be qualified but they must at a minimum have the competence and experience to referee the game safely and fairly.
    2. Ideally the referee appointed should be neutral – i.e. not from either club.
    3. If this is not possible than the next best option is to use a home club referee who normally works with a different group.
    4. If it is necessary to have a referee from within the group playing, then the home club is expected to invite the away club to referee half the game if they wish and have a suitable referee present.
    5. If the home club is unable to find a suitable referee the away club should be asked to do so.

Duration of Matches

The duration of matches will normally be the maximum time laid down for the Age Grade in Regulation 15.

Colts & Under 16s – 35 minutes each way, Under 15s & Under 14s – 30 minutes each way

No additional time can be played other than time added on for injury or other stoppages.

From Colts down to Under 14 a game shall finish when the points difference reaches or passes 50 Points. (Regulation 15.11.3 (b)) If due to scoring over the 50 points results then the recorded score on the EMC must be returned to 50 points difference and time noted on the card in the notes box.) Failure to reduce the score will result in this having to be done manually by the management team.)

Those shall be deemed the finals scores for competition purposes and play is encouraged to continue with substantial adjustments (swapping players etc) are made in order to make the remainder of the time more balanced.

Expected & Minimum Numbers of Players

The expected numbers to play at each Age Grade and the minimum numbers required for a game to start or continue as part of the competition are given below.

If at least one team is unable to field sufficient players, the side with the greater number of players must either lend players or reduce their numbers so both sides have the same. Teams are encouraged to lend and accept the loan of players but are not obliged to do so. The numbers on each side do not have to be equalised following a yellow or red card.

If the numbers available at the start or at any point during the game drop below the minimum teams are encouraged to play some form of friendly rather than cancel a game. If a friendly is played for competition scoring purposes the game will be awarded with maximum points and score difference to the side that has the necessary number of players, but the other side will receive a point.

If no game of any sort takes place this should be reported to the Competition Manager who will determine how the result will be recorded. A walkover will only be awarded if the side that is able to play has made every effort to help the game to take place.

Otherwise, the game may be declared null and void with no points awarded to either side or a 0-0 draw (but no draw points awarded) recorded depending on the circumstances. Clubs may not claim or concede walkovers without the agreement of the Competition Manager,

Game on principles will apply to Age Grade matches as they do for Senior, therefore while 15 per side expected with a minimum of 10 per side for competition purposes. We would expect this to be adopted where a side cannot provide player to the opposition to make up 15 a side https://www.englandrugby.com/fixtures-results/match-competition-information/game-on

Front Row

From Colts to Under 15s, whenever possible teams are expected to include a trained and experienced front row and replacement(s). If this is not possible games may start or continue with uncontested scrums and the result will still count for competition purposes. EMC must be annotated accordingly

Match Day Squads

Unless agreed between the two Clubs or with the Competition Manager the maximum size of Match Day Squad will be:

Under 14 through to Colts – 22;

‘Rolling substitutions’ are permitted in all our Age Grade competitions and there is no restriction on the number of ‘rotations’. Half Game rule must apply (injury excepted of course as is permited).

Half Game Rule

Teams in all levels of Age Grade Rugby are required by the RFU to implement the Half Game Rule (see RFU Reg 15.12). Substitutions must be shown on the EMC – this is a mandatory requirement. Deliberate abuse of this rule would be regarded as a serious breach of discipline reportable to the D&W RFU Age Grade Discipline Secretary.


To avoid any confusion the Lead Coaches or Managers of both teams are encouraged to ask the referee to confirm the result at the end of the game. The referee’s decision is final.

All our competitions MUST now use the EMC. All participating teams should ensure they have a match card administrator role holder.

EMC submission is a two-stage process:

    • The result must be submitted on the EMC by midnight on the day of the game by the home team this must include the number of tries for each side;
    • Events (tries, penalties and conversions) are encouraged to be used. Substitutions are mandatory on EMCs as we have to prove to RFU that the half game rule (regulation 15.12) is followed. Confirmation must be made within 48 hours of the game.

Scoring in Groups and Leagues

In leagues, the scoring system will be:

    • Win 5pts
    • Draw 3pts
    • Try Bonus 1pt (four or more tries scored)
    • Lose Bonus 1pt (lose by seven or less points)
    • Walkover 6pts and score of 20-0 (4 unconverted tries to nil)

If a game is played as a friendly (unable to raise a full team) the defaulting side will be awarded 1 point - Managers may request this if both sides have made every reasonable effort to keep the game on.

Splitting Ties in Groups or Leagues

If teams finish level in a table, the order will be decided by:

    1. The team with greater overall difference between points scored and points conceded in all games.
    2. The team scoring the higher total number of points in all games.
    3. The team scoring the higher total number of tries in all games.
    4. The result (or aggregate result in leagues which play home and away) between the tied teams.

Drawn games in Knock Out Competitions

No extra time (other than time added on for injury stoppages) is played.

    1. The winner is the team scoring the most tries
    2. The winner is the team scoring the most penalty kicks
    3. The winner is the team that scored the first try
    4. The winner is the team that scored first
    5. If there is no score the away team shall be declared the winner


Finals will be played on neutral grounds as determined by the Competition Committee. Society Referees will be appointed for these games and at Colts to U15s it is hoped to appoint Teams of 3. To reach a final in Colts to U15s there will be playoff knock outs as either a round of 8 or round of 4 depending on the number of entries in leagues.

As the U14s competition has to be a Knock Out structure to comply with the RFU Competition menu, that will have a cup, plate, bowl and trophy breakdowns to ensure participating teams have a minimum of 3 three games (depending on entries of course)

For each competition the winners will be awarded a Team Trophy to retain and a shield to retain for the season. These shields must be returned to the Competition Committee by 1st of March each season.

Matters not covered, disputes and appeals

Matters not fully covered by these rules will be decided by the overall Competitions Organiser where necessary in conjunction with the Forum Chairs. Unless changed in these rules decisions will normally be based on previous rules and practice.

Disputes will be resolved initially by the Managers of individual competitions who may refer them to the overall Competitions Organiser.

Any disciplinary issues will be managed by the D&W RFU Age Grade Discipline Secretary.

Any appeals against decisions of the Competitions Organiser will be considered by a sub-group set up for that purpose.