Deliverer: Magic Academy , led by Rusty Earnshaw & John Fletcher Formats of the game Developing the game – getting more players playing post-covid advance, Register
The RFU 2021 virtual Annual General Meeting will take place at 5pm on Friday 11 June. The AGM Notice was emailed yesterday to all Honorary Secretaries of voting member clubs listed on GMS. If you have not received the AGM Notice, or it has been sent to the wrong person, please contact [email protected] advising the […]
Deliverers : from RFU are : Don Barrell, Joe Pendledury, Tim Hall Understanding Academies roles, the work they do and how they link into local rugby communities. Register
Deliverer: Magic Academy , led by Rusty Earnshaw & John Fletcher Building school/club relationships Exploring the roles of schools and clubs developing communications. Register
During the recent round of club huddles, it was agreed that we should hold a County wide huddle around Clubhouse management/reopening, led by Vince Hayward from Salisbury RFC. To register your interest, please email [email protected] Huddle Notes
Although managing the day-to-day finances of your club can seem a daunting or tedious task, this workshop will support you to identify financial objectives that will help your club become more financially sustainable and resilient. Register
Deliverer : Magic Academy - led by Rusty Earnshaw & John Fletcher Games and activities that can be taken back into schools/clubs: - Passing - Tackling - Attack. Register
RFU to provide Education & Age Grade Rugby Update. Discussion on how we link the AGR Game together, supporting transition into Community Clubs. Retention and transition of older Age Grade players CBs to help shape our network and approach with new ways of working. Session will be facilitated by Mark Saltmarsh and Gary Henderson.
Deliverer: Magic Academy , led by Rusty Earnshaw & John Fletcher Principles of the breakdown How to introduce the breakdown to novice players Building up rucks and mauls. Register