Game Management System (GMS) Help Page - Dorset Wiltshire Rugby Football Union

A useful checklist for clubs to help get GMS ready for the new season – this is updated annually. A list of known issues and progress can be found here

Please ensure every Senior player has verified their email address, so when it comes to registration time, they will get the direct prompt link from RFU – RFU cannot email unverified accounts or duplicate accounts so it’s vital these are sorted during this season. Legacy players must have their Medical declaration and Emergency contact completed.

Also, if you have players still with renewal required clubs are encouraged to deregister them and where appropriate remove from club. – same with unrenewed registrations for Age Grade, although that that is merely remove them and parents.

It’s becoming important again to look at data cleansing for clubs and remove anyone not current attached – including non-playing people. This is for GDPR purposes.

If you need training on GMS, please initially complete the declaration of interest form – Please Click Here which will set the wheels in motion for a training (probably David Wookey for our area) to be tasked to provide some training for your club

If you are experiencing problems and require help, please check out the new knowledge base at https://help.rfu.com/support/home where you will find lots of guides to help resolve whatever issue you have. If you still struggle or need a nudge in the correct direction, contact David.

Membership facility

It is optional whether memberships are taken via GMS. This aspect is coordinated direct by First Sports Ltd who are the RFU developers for the system. If you have membership issues, please contact First Sports direct on clubpayments@first-sports.com

Club Websites

First Sports Ltd provide a free website linked to your clubs GMS. This is available to any club taking memberships via GMS for further details contact clubwebsites@first-sports.com