D&W Safeguarding information
Your safeguarding points of contact are:
Name Julie Fisher
Email Click here
Tel 07445 010701
Name Joe Walsh
Email Click here
Name David Wookey
Email Click here
Address 3 Westland Close Amesbury SP4 7QS
Tel 01980 625018 or 07850 625018
Area North
Name Joe Walsh
Email Click here
Area South
Name Julie Fisher
Email Click here
Chair of Governance
Email Click here
Safeguarding is covered under RFU Regulation 21
If clubs need to speak to RFU, please cc in one of the Julie’s depending on the issue
It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the game to ensure the safety of all young people playing Rugby Union. All adults involved in the coaching and supervision of young players should be aware of their responsibilities.
Audits will be carried out on a three year cycle. These are there to help you at clubs and not to try to catch you out. You will be sent you last audit form and a bank form to complete prior to the audit. On the mutually arranged day one of the auditors will visit and work through the form advising you on any areas you need assistance with. They will also have discussions with Parents and other club officials to gauge general feelings of the club. The form will be completed and sent back to you for signature and return to the auditor who will submit to CB and RFU. A Follow up phone call or e-mail exchange will ensure all actions have been implemented.
Incidents should be reported to Julie Fisher using the RFU initial incident report form. You may also send this to the RFU Safeguarding team at the same time.Follow up action will be derived as necessary.
All coaches and Team Managers should attend a Play it Safe course – refreshed at about 3 years. Safeguarding Officers and Assistants must attend the In Touch course. These are all booked on the RFU course finder system
DBS clearances:
Should be held by all coaches and persons in direct regular contact with Children. RFU cannot accept portable clearances inbound but your RFU clearance may be acceptable outbound
We have had reports of players not having pitch side concussion assessments and being allowed to play on. Firstly if a player is even slightly suspected of having concussion they should be removed from play IMMEDIATELY. Also pitch side assessments are only to be carried out at championship level and above and then only carried out by a qualified person. As no clubs in our area are playing at this level the message is the same for age grade and senior players, if in doubt get them off the pitch and to A&E. ALL coaches (and team managers, Players, parents in fact anyone connected to rugby) should undertake the online concussion module on England rugby.
Please spread the word and let's look after our kids heads.
Safeguarding: Managing the media & communicating with your members
Please contact your Club Developer
To view the following England Rugby Safeguarding Documents
Regulation 21 - Safeguarding - Please Click here
Safeguarding Toolkit - Please Click here
Safeguarding Children Policy - Please Click here
Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures - Please Click here
Safeguarding Referral Form - Please Click here