Spectators at Youth Matches

Are spectators allowed?

Government guidance does not permit spectators at sporting events that take place on private land, this includes private rugby club sites.

This does not apply to carers for disabled people or adults needed to supervise under-18s that they have a responsibility for in a safeguarding role whilst they are participating in an organised sporting activity. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble. More information on safeguarding and return to play can be seen here.

This does not prevent people from viewing rugby that is taking place in a public space, e.g. a park, in groups of up to 6 people or 2 households. However, spectators should not be actively encouraged to go with the prime purpose of watching that match.

Sporting events that are intended to attract spectators (including ticketed events), or events that are likely to attract a significant number of spectators (such as club matches and functions) should not take place in a public space, or on private land, until Step 3 on the Government roadmap.

Do we need to keep records of visitors and what do we do if we have a positive case?

Following governance guidance, clubs providing team sport activities and hospitality services are still required to keep a record of all visitors, customers and staff on the premises, to support NHS Test and Trace.

Further information is available below

About the Author

By GeraldBurden / Editor, bbp_participant, s2member_level1 on Apr 27, 2021