Walking Rugby - Dorset Wiltshire Rugby Football Union

Walking Rugby is intended to be a simple version of Rugby suitable for ex-players, injured players and non-players of all ages, abilities and gender who enjoy an active and physical, above all, competitive passing game using a rugby ball. RFU suggest 18 and over, but we are happy to include players as young as 14 if they cannot play full contact or Touch/T1 rugby for whatever reason

Clubs currently participating in Walking Rugby in Dorset and Wilts CB are:

D&W CB Walking Rugby Directory

Dorset & Wilts RFU Lead     Dave Wookey             rugbyadmin@djawltd.com             07850 625018

Club Lead Contact Telephone Session Details
Amesbury Katrina Peters amesburyrfc.walkingrugby@gmail.com 07412 307967 Sat 1000, Thur 1800 (outdoor - Summer indoors Winter)
Calne David Conway david.conway@talk21.com No number Not sure if still operating
Chippenham RFC Stuart Murrow and  Steven Bridges walkers@chippenhamrfc.co.uk 07870 193785 Friday Evening
Devizes Aimie Hayden Smith and Rob Edwards amie.haydensmith@outlook.com rnr.edwards@btopenworld.com 07950 279270  -  07542 071745 Friday 19:00 - 20:00
Marlborough Simon Barter simon.barter1@btinternet.com 07734 724139 Wednesday 1900-2000
Melksham RFC Viv Feltham vivfeltham@virginmedia.com 07762 648034 Monday 18:00
Royal Wootton Basset Rhys Floyd and Andy Collier floydy9@outlook.com ahcollier29@gmail.com 07376 947197 Mon 18.00
Salisbury Richard Lloyd lordlloydy1@gmail.com Tuesday 10-11 Thursday 6-7
Trowbridge John Wilkes trowbridgewalkingrugby@gmail.com 07872 066735 Friday 18.00 - 20.00
Warminster Phil Redding philipredding@btinternet.com 07535 153578
Wheatsheaf Ben Brown wheatsheafrugby@gmail.com       brownbj@btinternet.com
Wimborne Graham Reeves secretary@wimbornerugbyclub.co.uk

Those intending starting are:

  • Swanage & Wareham
  • Sherborne
  • Weymouth and Portland

We encourage these clubs to seek advice and assistance from existing clubs

There has been concern that RFU T1 Rugby will take over from WR, RFU say this is not the case and WR will continue as is and that RFU are investing in the game. Clubs should set up teams as Walking Rugby on GMS to be pointed at by the RFU Find Rugby page. Its advisable to register with the RFU Touch Union   https://www.englandrugby.com/participation/playing/ways-to-play/the-touch-union as this should result in some funding and equipment being issued to you by RFU and make you more visible on public web pages.

In Wiltshire, The Wiltshire and Swindon Sports Partnership have provided so funding and equipment also.  To release the funding please invoice Dorset and Wilts CB for £420 for initial Walking Rugby WASP funding. This should be sent to the Treasurer AlisonHunter19@gmail.com  (Sorry to clubs in Dorset as this is not available outside Wiltshire) There are three left!

We run and annual festival for D&W in Walking Rugby in March/April each year for the DJAW Ltd Trophy. The inaugural winner in March 2023 was Chippenham, they were also the winner in 2024. We are now moving away from a Tournament to a festival of Rugby where the emphasis is on sportsmanship, now we have many more teams. Next years Festival will be on March 29 2025 at a location yet to be decided.

Guidelines to playing the game can be found here a pitch layout diagram can be found here

Refereeing this version of the game is important. We are fortunate to have a referee trainer at Amesbury and training sessions can be arranged. Please contact the lead for Walking Rugby to arrange.

Old Reigatian RFC have set up a national Walking Rugby website WALKINGRUGBY.CO.UK which is worth a look as that contains a list of festivals which they keep up to date. Note: This is not an official RFU linked site. There are other sites connected with national walking sports https://www.walkingsports.com  Berkshire CB also have a page https://www.berksrfu.com/walking-rugby/ and BBC created this Video https://youtu.be/se4nNmSFFyA

D&W RFU Walking Rugby Lead is

  • David Wookey - Amesbury RFC/D&W RFU - email